Many therapeutists have already chosen the So/Check platform. It offers the solution for detecting and monitoring physiological markers in just a few minutes. The platform is a connected system with a secure personal access.
The So/Check platform units 3 devices using the best of technology and innovation in an intuitive and effective way.
Real time evaluation of a potential heavy metal excess, bioavailability of minerals, trace elements, vitamine and oxidative stress.
Learn more →Assessment of acute and chronic stress through the vital balance by means of 5 indicateurs: the Cardiflex, the Cardistress, the ANS, the cardiac coherence and the RTI.
Learn more →Fill out the necessary information
Perform the evaluation by using one of the technologies
The results appear on your screen*
The So/Check platform is guaranteed to give personalised, quick and painfree results using the advanced assessment tools such as the spectrophotometer and the oxymeter.